Dallas, TEXAS
We had a blast in Dallas and truly cultivated an atmosphere where the Spirit of the LORD moved, encouraged and equipped us to dive deeper.
Hundreds of non-profit, church, and urban leaders from across Texas join together for three days to learn and share ideas. The conference format strives to educate, inspire, encourage, connect and equip attendees.
Join us for, A Night of Worship. This is a free event where everyone is welcome. Prepare your heart with a posture of surrender and pause with us as we eagerly prepare to enter His presence.
Our CCD experts weigh in on some of the most challenging topics in our country today. Sit with us as we take in knowledge from inspiring talks from nationally known keynote speakers who are leading practitioners in Christian Community Development (CCD)
No Need Among You Conference Builders Breakfast was designed as a fundraiser for NNAY. Our hope is that this breakfast will enhance our understanding of Christian Community Development, challenge prevailing modes of thought, and expand our range of understanding on relevant community issues, and all things community development.
We strive to impact ALL areas of Spiritual, Mental and Physical training and growth. The morning movement is a new area NNAY has brought on to showcase different ways we can help ourselves, those we serve and our communities through physical training.
It's About the Gospel is our corporate NNAY Bible Study held on Thursday and Friday at 8:15 AM in the church sanctuary.
We strive to bring you quality versus quantity. Workshops are lead by practitioners from all over Texas and beyond. We recruit speakers to train workshops in key areas of CCD.
Based on God's incarnational love through Jesus Christ, No Need Among You, powered by Texas Christian Community Development Network, is called to bring healing and hope to disadvantaged and marginalized communities, neighborhoods, and residents of Texas and beyond, by advocating, connecting, training, and serving people experiencing poverty.
Did you know that “No Need Among You” (NNAY) was the original name of the organization before transitioning to “Texas Christian Community Development Network” (TxCCDN)? Currently, we feel the Lord guiding us back to our roots of NNAY in the hopes of reaching the hearts and lives of those outside of the Texas area with the hope and news of Jesus.
Luke 5:1-11 is our theme message and inspiration behind what we do. We believe we are all called to cast our net in our own lives and families and reach the hearts and needs of our neighbor with the overflow Jesus provides.
Donate Today
Your support and contributions will enable us to put on our No Need Among You Conference with the opportunity for everyone regardless of finances to attend. Help us keep our registration rate at $99!
Neighborhood IMPACT: A Movement of Hope is a coalition made up of non-profits, ministries, schools, organizations and individuals that desire to make a difference in this 8-block radius God has allowed us. Our beloved neighborhood is nestled in between Richmond Ave and Windswept Lane, in Houston, Texas.
Neighborhood IMPACT is overflowing with multi-ethnic families, robust traditions, and rich culture. Within these corridors, there are also an abundance of dedicated people within non-profits, ministries, schools, organizations and individuals with the calling and passion to serve the poor and marginalized.
No Need Among You and our partners are committed to work within this 8-block radius surrounding Wisdom High School for the next 5 to 10 years. Our hope is to practice and embed Christian Community Development strategies within Neighborhood IMPACT.
Neighborhood Impact Partners: Child Evangelism Fellowship, CITIWomen, Joy Center, Main Street Ministries, Mission Centers of Houston, No Need Among You Network, Sojourn Galleria, True Ring Leaders and Wisdom High School
Impact Training Club: Training of mind, body and spirit in the gym, to be prepared for life.
100% of member dues support the on the ground ministries of Neighborhood Impact and True Ring Leaders.
Located at:
6346 Beverly hill St.
Houston, TX 75077
Neighborhood Impact knows the LORD is on the move in Houston and beyond. He is after the hearts of his beloved and we feel led to offer church services.
We have a great hope to worship and praise the the LORD together with our neighbors and are asking for prayer during this time of planning.
Looking to offer multi-cultural, inter-denominational, multi-lingual (english and espanol), Christ centered and bible-based worship and message.
Meet the Team
Executive DirectorElia Moreno is the author of Permission to Rest and Living Intentionally, a book that depicts her own personal journey and hard-earned insights on the importance of adding value to the lives of others in just 90 seconds. She currently serves as the Executive Director of No Need Among You Network powered by Texas Christian Community Development Network. In addition to her role as Executive Director, Elia serves as Founder of Neighborhood Impact HTX. Elia is also the National Program Director for Beegle Communication Across Barriers and holds the position of Speaker and Author for the No Excuses University Network of Schools, a growing network of 250 schools who promote college readiness for all students, especially those living in poverty.
Elia serves on many boards and committees. She is bilingual, and a master at assisting organizations and individuals who seek to implement fresh ways to connect with those living in poverty.
Elia was selected as a 2015 USA Characters Unites Award Winner by USA Network, the winner of the 2016 Suddenlink Community Impact Award as well as bestowed the privilege of being named the 2016 Amarillo Beta Sigma Phi Woman of the Year. Most recently she was honored with the 2017 Amarillo Hispanic Heritage Lifetime Achievement Award.
Design DirectorSommer Moreno is a licensed Occupational Therapist and educated in making the lives of Gods people easy and light with the power of the Holy Spirit. She enjoys creating and designing in and on all forms of media and cultivating and planning events and spaces that draw people closer together and closer to Jesus.
Sommer is the founder of MMH Collaborative, a multi-media design and production organization, with the aim of making design services more affordable and personal for ministries, non-profits and small businesses.
Our Board of Directors
Dr. Dametra Stevenson
Board President
Jerry Ramirez
Board Treasurer
Perla Rivera
Board Secretary
Able Vega
Monique Joseph
Terry Cagle
Elket Rodriguez
Contact us.
We would love to connect if you have a lead, question, volunteer idea or speaker in mind for our annual conference!
6346 Beverly Hill St.
Houston, TX 77057